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My blog - My passion is my life and my life is my family and my work. working across so many countries and mixing that with my own viewpoints on all sorts of things. Thanks for stopping by.....

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

The Big Wide Digital World part 2

The thing is this digital world isn't confined to the same restrictions that the planet we live on is. Everyday it grows and gets stronger fuelled by the millions upon millions of mouse clicks and data streams. It has no atmosphere in the real sense, doesn't need oxygen to live. It can work 365 days a year and double up if you need it to and you can reach anyone nearly anywhere from your own chair. That's more power than a president or a country leader would have had 30 or 40 years ago. 

Technology on a personal level is easy to manage and easy to replace..

The strength of your network, the power of your network - It's not though we are just a part of it, some get past the single cell stage and evolve. Some, like google become a heartbeat, holding it all together for the mere mortals. Giving them an entry point to the asylum that is the social age.
(Google probably has taught the world more than most schools these days - how many times have you googled something just to find out an answer or research? - we are googlebots)

For a mere few quid a month I'm connected to the world. An evolution in a lifetime - from a single cell to something which starts to grow with others around them. As soon as one network grows another retracts. Facebook has changed the way people use the web. Whatever came first or whatever comes next its the first place I ever knew my gran had signed up to. Then came a few heated wall posts between friends, lovers, ex lovers and along came all the silly apps. Now its evolving into different things. 
You can almost use it in an entirely different way to others, even if its just playing poker.

So that's what is sitting in-front of us - and where will it go? The countries are in place, most of the lands are claimed and now we have to fit in with the system and the lands that are presented before us. There will be new lands and new discoveries but who will finish off the western frontier?

If you ever have an idea try this - google something around it and see what already exists - you I think may be surprised ...

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