Welcome to the Blog, you actually made it here, I'm chuffed

My blog - My passion is my life and my life is my family and my work. working across so many countries and mixing that with my own viewpoints on all sorts of things. Thanks for stopping by.....

Friday 25 June 2010

If we could.........where's matt

I'm sure that this video will represent so many things to so many people and I'm also sure that there is many a presentation room in the world that has used this as some form of communicating their message.

For me, trying to build networks and bridges across countries this video just sums it up perfectly. Not in a IT world but just the people involved to make anything happen in any country and depite any obstacle.

(The Guy Matt (and his good lady) is genius. If you have the time check some of his videos out on you tube. People thought it was a hoax, so he told them it was by creating a hoax (yep,read that again) - it is a geniune clip, as Richard Perry explained to me. It's had nearly 30 million hits and is still going -)

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