Well it’s been a few months now. I’ve been working on a form of a strategy for my "social media" content and the direction I would like to take it. I've always concentrated partially on developing a close network across Europe who can help me get to where I need to be. It's easy to forget though that I am just a person and if I was having a conversation with you in the pub I'd be talking about more than just my work.
So maybe this is where I’ve gone a little wrong. Landing in to the mosh pit of mediums was certainly a lesson and I've been trying to put a value on everything since I started. Oh how wrong I was.
There are a thousand experts who will tell you what you should be doing, how you should be driving traffic and increasing your page rankings. How the web can provide a stream of revenue and can really allow you create something unique and special.
Some of these experts are worth listening too; others are only in it for self gain. It's hard trying to work out who makes sense and who doesn't.
So is there a best strategy? Well in a word no well at least in my opnion. What works for 1 won’t work for another and so on. You have to find out where you are most comfortable!
But there are some great ideas out there. I spend a considerable amount of my daily activities on Ecademy. A site which has taken me a while to get my head round and in the past I may have raised a few questions about the success and ambition of the site. Well the last month or so has certainly stuck a bun in my mouth.
The changes coupled with what feels like fresh enthusiasm from the owners has certainly made an impact on me. Penny for instance seems to have been running at full tilt recently and as the face of the place it’s definitely had an impact.
I don't profess to reading pages upon pages of strategy and although my toe has been dipped I am still yet to put the whole leg in. If you are just starting out on you're journey then can I suggest that as a good starting point you visit http://www.ecademy.com/
It's a real smoldering pot of characters and professionals. I've asked for help a few times now and every time I have had a response. I'm not even the most pro active of net workers yet I feel like I can make a bit of noise without looking over my shoulder.
See you there?
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