Welcome to the Blog, you actually made it here, I'm chuffed

My blog - My passion is my life and my life is my family and my work. working across so many countries and mixing that with my own viewpoints on all sorts of things. Thanks for stopping by.....

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The Day after you have died.........

Travelling home on the motorway today I was listening to me brain as i often do when the radio has bored me to tears.

Random thoughts often occupy this space, long drives are tedious at the best of times.

So my random thought was, I will only know the world up until the day I die. That could be tomorrow it could be years from now but the thought was still there. 

What about those who have come and gone, who never saw a computer, a motorway, a microwave. What about that hover car or time transportation.

Those who never knew the Concorde existed or 30mb broadband for that matter.
Rarely has anybody lived in complete peace though in this modern world...

Which then made me think do we really appreciate our lives in the here and now. whilst on lifes motorway we all stop and start but we are all trying to get to a destination without getting held up or setback., For some a journey can be a pleasure and for others a hellish experience. 

How many journeys are driven by the situation? - I'm going to be late for my plane, (must drive faster) my wifes having a baby (am I even holding the wheel??) - 

Its the same bit of road for everyone, what we do with it and how our journey goes it unique to each of us.

And then I thought, I must get off the motorway and enjoy the country lanes for a bit.

Don't you think that sometimes?

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Are you a person, a number or something unexplained?

A normal day pre measurements was to catch the morning dose of blogs, think a little, respond a little and generally just be yourself.

These days your too busy tweeting a link and writing a blog and then linking it, then checking on your klout round the back of your ear. Then behind the bikesheds the PeerIndexes are there making you write just so you can keep up with the crowd. PeerPressure? Not if you're doing it right.

And don't backtypechat the teacher otherwise you're going to the back of the class sonny.

Do you remember when you could just blog without having to try and understand the greater reach? Or the fact that you may be doing things not for your own steam but so you can go from 38.1 to 38.9?

If I've ever tried to give advice this would be it. 
With what the social media world will bring us and the fact that the landscape is constantly changing never forget who you are and the real reason you made that first comment or that first blog. 

We fight so hard not to end up as numbers, and we are doing just that. There are some very successful people in this online world who made it just because they were them, and not a score or a mark.

And the question is who do you really want to be? What is going to make you happy in this world when you pull those sheets up at night over your body and close your eyes and for that moment not linked to the world, just ask who you really are...... 

I am Wayne, a Dad, a husband a bloody determined chap with a real aim to do something

I am not 
Lout rating 31.64
PeerPressure 28.00
Backchat 27.00

See you on the other side