Welcome to the Blog, you actually made it here, I'm chuffed

My blog - My passion is my life and my life is my family and my work. working across so many countries and mixing that with my own viewpoints on all sorts of things. Thanks for stopping by.....

Friday, 25 June 2010

If we could.........where's matt

I'm sure that this video will represent so many things to so many people and I'm also sure that there is many a presentation room in the world that has used this as some form of communicating their message.

For me, trying to build networks and bridges across countries this video just sums it up perfectly. Not in a IT world but just the people involved to make anything happen in any country and depite any obstacle.

(The Guy Matt (and his good lady) is genius. If you have the time check some of his videos out on you tube. People thought it was a hoax, so he told them it was by creating a hoax (yep,read that again) - it is a geniune clip, as Richard Perry explained to me. It's had nearly 30 million hits and is still going -)

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

UK Budget shows its a deep cut across all of Europe

Whilst watching the budget today I felt a sense of urgency and the measures are (in my opinion) needed if we stand a chance of getting out of this mess.
We all have to take a hit here, as uncomfortable as it is going to be but are we alone in this?

Things seem to be creaking and I'm hopeful that our government here in the UK will handle the situation in a strong a steering manner.(I'm an optimist) The message today was the credit party is most definitely over.

Like most of us who have reigned in our spending over this past year the government now looks to be doing the doing the same and cutting up the gold card.

And in Europe?
The European Commission have just released a report which asked 25,000 Random Europeans a series of questions - the full report can be found here and is worth looking at if you have the time.

  • 1 in 6 Europeans stated their household is struggling to pay bills, purchase food or other daily items.
  • 1 in 6 European also felt little confidence in keeping their current job.
  • 28% of EU citizens said they expected their household’s financial situation to deteriorate during the next 12 months.
I'll let you run through the facts. I'm aware that stats can be interpreted in different ways and that the above is an average from a land which diverse in it's nations and their individual situations.

Just thought it was worth thinking about.......

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

250 Billion Euro's for Spain?

Reading between the lines in the last few days - Spain a country which has struggled in the global recession is now the latest to be involved in the grey cloud of Financial Aid.

There seems to be a steady flow of information suggesting that the liquidity plan (which is being drawn by the IMF and the US Treasury) would provide a credit line of up to 250 billion dollars if needed.

At the moment this cannot be confirmed with both the US Treasury and the Spanish government denying the plan although it is felt that it is only a matter of time before it comes to fruition.

Global growth is still battling against itself and a dip in confidence could have further implications on the Euro.

The Service Sector is still weak in Spain, and has yet to show true signs of recovery

Friday, 4 June 2010

Growing Everyday.......

On my latest round of expanding the coverage I currently offer I have stumbled upon some amazing people and some great companies. The impact of all of this will be felt shortly but today, marks a shift in not just my direction by the overall direction of what I am trying to achieve.

I started out in Europe, trying to make links with companies that shared the same vision as me, to bring us all together to provide a much needed effective single solution regardless of how many countries were involved. This is still an ongoing battle and although the steps are small the gains are growing and the message is becoming clearer.

I'll say it again and again when it comes to the world these days, it's not as big as you would think!  - I wanted to rip down the boundaries and make something that can be pretty dull into something sexy!

The UK isn't enough. With the world wobbling and the economic situation upon us it perhaps seems a little mad that I'd put it all on the line to provide something which can be disregarded or misunderstood.

It's simple - working with companies across the world to deliver IT support, deployment and a whole host of other services together and providing the customer with a single point of contact .

And as of today I can help you in:

New Zealand
Czech Republic

And I am still working on more.....

Regardless of the work side of things the network is proving itself in more than one way. We are bringing people and their own styles together in a way which sets the pace for the rest of us. We don't need to have offices in every country. Let's work together bringing in companies who are strong and understand what their Country needs and then share this with the people who use our services.

Never has the phrase Together we Stand been more apt - especially in the world today.