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My blog - My passion is my life and my life is my family and my work. working across so many countries and mixing that with my own viewpoints on all sorts of things. Thanks for stopping by.....

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Earth Hour 2010

Now before you start throwing virtual things at me its an important point that I raise today.

The planet that we live on seems to be a constant point of conversation along with the words, recycle, carbon and energy. There are those that believe that the world is not being damaged and those that do. There are people who will tell you about your carbon footprint and there are those that really think it’s just a load of spin to get you paying more taxes.

I have to say I have a foot in both camps - I believe that the governments are milking it and adding green taxes where they can but I also think that there is a validity in all of this.

In my previous blog I wrote about home electronics and the mounting pile - and the damage this does to our environment. You cannot just bury this stuff in the ground now, with all the chemicals and electronic waste seeping into the earth. This is a good thing. It's also prompted manufacturers to get smarter in their production to reduce these harmful chemicals.

So anyway - Earth hour - what is it?

At 8.30pm local time (wherever you are in the world) on the 27th March people taking part will switch off all of their lights and non essential electrical items and spend the hour joining the world in darkness. It's a simple idea which has seen massive support since its first year in 2007. We have the Aussies to thank for this as they started it and the world jumped in in 2008. Last year saw a record 4000 cities in 88 countries taking part making it the biggest event of its kind.

The usual suspects are all getting involved, for instance the lights in Piccadilly will be turned off, only the 5th time since the 2nd world war.
Some people are doing some strange and wonderful things. 1 group is having a candlelit dinner in the woods and others are planning some crazy things (you can find out more at http://www.earthhour.org/ )
Although, just sitting with your lights out is taking part already.
So if you didn't know or didn't care just have a little think. It's something we could all do with ease and really the only thing we are supporting here is the planet.

Pledge your support and get involved, I'll be spending this with my family playing some games and lighting Chinese lanterns - great for the kids and great for the planet!